2513 ₽
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2312 ₽
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Textile, PVC
Produced by: Финляндия
Articul: Нет в продаже. Указанная цена неактуальна.
Arabia’s Moomins are turned from stories to ceramic illustrations by designer Tove Slotte. She has been drawing Moomins onto Arabia items since the beginning of the 1990s. The designer draws inspiration from Tove Jansson’s original illustrations, which she adapts to ceramic shapes. All sorts of exciting things happen around Moominvalley all the time. In addition to the Moomins, the valley is inhabited by mymbles, hemulens, fillyjonks and all kinds of small toffles and whompers. The outside world consist of dangers, adventures, even catastrophes as well as enjoyable friendly outings and juice parties. The doors of Moominhouse are always open to Moomins returning home or to wandering vagabonds and other guests. Welcome to the colourful world of the Moomins!
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