23038 ₽
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Price in case online payment:
21195 ₽
Out of stock.
Not on stock. For order call +7(927)268-1533 or write to
Bone china
Kit contents:
Deep plate 215 MM: 6 PC.
Flat plate 270 MM: 6 PC.
Flat plate 220 MM: 6 PC.
Small salad bowl 238 MM: 1 PC.
Oval dish 315 MM: 1 PC.
Pepper-pot (Height 80 MM): 1 PC.
Salt cellar (Height 80 MM): 1 PC.
Piala: 2 PC.
Sauceboat 200 ml: 1 PC.
Tureen 2300 ml: 1 PC.
Sculptor: Troitsky Yuri Fedorovich
Produced by: Imperial Porcelain Manufacture., Russia
Articul: Нет в продаже. Указанная цена неактуальна.
(C) [671]