1813 ₽
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Price in case online payment:
1668 ₽
Out of stock.
Not on stock. For order call +7(927)268-1533 or write to
Thin-walled bone china
Top diameter of the cup: 70 MM
Diameter of the saucer: 120 MM
Height of the cup: 65 MM
Capacity: 180 ml
Sculptor: Krimmer Eduard Mikhailovich
Artist: Sokolov Sergey Nikolaevich
Produced by: Imperial Porcelain Manufacture., Russia
Articul: Нет в продаже. Указанная цена неактуальна.
The products of the second grade are the products which do not meet the requirements to the products of the first grade.
The products with minor defects, detected during acceptance of goods to the warehouse, but not affecting the consumer properties of the product, are included in the category of second-grade products.
These defects can be: the black dots in the porcelain mass, defects in the glaze, a slight curvature of the form, extra strokes of paint or gold, etc.
Finished second-grade items are necessarily checked for chips, cracks and breakage. Only absolutely whole products are offered for sale.
(C) [671]